Fable 3 cheat engine add money
Fable 3 cheat engine add money

fable 3 cheat engine add money

Status Change Spells include: Shade (Paralysis), Sleep, Confusion, Silence, Blind, Mini, and Toad. Always Miss Party: status changing spells cast on the party would always miss. Always Hit Enemies: status changing spells cast on enemies would always hit you still can't hit the boss with, e.g., sleep spell though. 2 scripts are presented after this script is activated. there's a multiplier for each characters. press Ctrl while moving for an instant battle. in battle, as long as you can access the Magic menu, you can cast any spells you've equipped. you can cast any spells you've equipped in the Magic menu when you're not in battle. as title said, need to activate Characters' Model first. check > for different job IDs.Īppear as Freelance if the job is Onion Knight make the character appears as the job specified no matter what the characters' current job is. quantity of equipped arrows won't drop below 10. (won't affect weapons/armors/spells/key items. ID check is implemented so that it works on usable items only. can still be sold out in shops if you sold it all at once. quantity of usable items won't drop below 2. MP still drops but you won't use them up. your party would still take damages, but they won't be killed. add some pointers: all characters' Formation, Status Effect, MP and max MP for all levels, Current Job and Job Adjustment Phase, all jobs' Job Level and Job EXP, Highlighted Item's, and the first 20 slots' Item ID and its Quantity. Arrow, No Job Adjustment Phase, No Random Battle, Job Lvl Up with 1 Action, and EXP Multiplier. updated Undead script, it should works when being "back attack" now. Item, No Job Restriction in Magic Menu, No Job Restriction in Equip Menu, and Physical Attack Multiplier. added a few scripts: One Hit Kill, Inf. MP, it works on cast Sight, and should works even if you have zero MP now. added a few pointers: all 4 characters' 5 stats and their base, and both Right Hand and Left Hand Lvl and their experience. added 2 scripts: Status Change Spells' Behaviour and Job Lvl Up with Each Battle turns out Job Lvl Up with Each Battle would level up the Right Hand and Left Hand levels too. added Characters' Model which allows you to change the character's model to any job's appearance. Characters' Model would crashed the game cause of a stupid mistake I made. it was just a byte, which should be separated into 8 bits representing 8 status effects. added a dropdown list for the Characters' Models. added a dropdown list for the Item ID of the Highlighted Item, so that you can swap the item easily.

fable 3 cheat engine add money

updated No Job Restriction in Equip Menu script, just correct a line of codes to prevent possible unwanted results. it should always work on all characters now. updated Undead script, before this update, it would always work on the first character, but it may not work on the other characters sometimes. fortunately my friend likes the game too, so I may be able to cheat more frequently.


but the updates may be quite slow, as I'll have to use my friend's pc to cheat.


not much right now, but I'll definitely update it with more stuff.

fable 3 cheat engine add money

one of the games that I would use a Japanese dictionary to find out what the hell it's all about. I played it first on nes, it fills my summer with joy when I was a child. If you like the series, you'd have play this once or twice already.

Fable 3 cheat engine add money